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New Feature: Do You See What Glen Sees?

By January 23, 2025Uncategorized

Welcome to a new and regular feature on my blog: “Do You See What Glen Sees?”

In these blog posts, I will present a photograph or short video related to earthwork or geosynthetics construction and have you identify the significance of what you’re seeing.

It could be things being done correctly or incorrectly. Primarily, these will be things that impact quality.

I really want to know what you see!

In addition to my blog, I’ll post this content on X and LinkedIn. You can post your response on one of those two.

I’ll give you my thoughts on each photo or video when I post the next installment.

Do you see what I see?  Or did you find something I missed?  I’m excited to find out!

Here is the first one. Take a good look. Do You See What Glen Sees?

Post your response on X or LinkedIn.