I will be speaking at two virtual events next week and I encourage you to join me!
At the Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference (WIRMC), Tess Brester and I will present Landfill Construction – The Good, The Bad, We’ve Seen It All on Monday February 22.
On Tuesday, February 23, at the Geosynthetics Conference, I will participate in a panel discussion: At What Frequency Should We Take Seam Destructive Samples? moderated by my wife, Joanna. Other participants include Todd Harman, Eddie Weiser, J.P. Giroud and Gary Torosian.
I will also have an “on-demand” presentation at the Geosynthetics Conference entitled The Fundamentals of Geomembrane Seaming and Weld Quality.
Here are more details on each of the presentations. I hope you can participate with us!
Monday, February 22
Landfill Construction – The Good, The Bad, We’ve Seen It All
Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference (WIRMC)
Tess Brester, WDNR, and Glen Toepfer, CQA Solutions
3:00 – 3:50 pm
More info: https://www.wirmc.org/
Tuesday, February 23
At What Frequency Should We Take Seam Destructive Samples?
Geosynthetics Conference
Moderator: Joanna Toepfer, CQA Solutions
Installer: Todd Harman, Hallaton
Welding equipment manufacturer: Eddie Weiser, Leister Technologies
Engineering and academia: J.P. Giroud ECP, Ph.D.
Construction quality assurance: Glen W. Toepfer, CQA Solutions
Geosynthetic testing laboratories: Gary Torosian, Geocomp
2:30 – 4 pm CST
More info: https://geosyntheticsconference.com/
Monday, February 22 – Thursday, February 25
The Fundamentals of Geomembrane Seaming and Weld Quality
Geosynthetics Conference
Glen W. Toepfer, CQA Solutions Ltd.
This is an on-demand session available as soon as the virtual conference site opens. Content will be available through audio over slides or via MP4 depending on the session. All content will remain open for 60 days post-conference. Each on-demand session offers question/answer options within the platform. To ask a presenter a question, submit it via the question/answer box within the program.