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Tips For Auditing Your Project

By June 16, 2021Uncategorized

“Quite frankly, I don’t know what to look for. Our college classes don’t teach us how to inspect construction work.”

This statement made by a young civil engineer is far too common throughout our industry. Often, people accountable for quality on their construction projects simply have not been taught what to look for during construction and blindly put their faith in their construction team. Thus, they really have no tangible way to hold the team accountable for quality other than assessing construction progress and failure rates (which can be manipulated).

Of the hundreds of projects I’ve been involved in, the most successful in terms of meeting quality objectives come through strict accountability.

I put together this video for CQA Solutions and decided to share it on the blog as well. It will help you take the first steps towards keeping your construction team accountable. Even if you’re a seasoned veteran of containment system construction, this might be a good refresher if you are not in the field every day.

This video discusses numerous, easy-to-learn tips for evaluating basic quality on your projects. You will be able to walk right out on your jobsite and check these quality measures without any further training. While these are just the “tip of the iceberg” in what to look for, they will allow you to do a basic audit of the quality on your project in 30 minutes or less.