Mmmmm, hot yummy buttered popcorn, my remote and the ever-hilarious Bill Murray. Is there a better way to spend a blustery February evening? Bill Murray as TV weatherman Phil Connors…
Many of you have privately emailed me with feedback on the Independence Day blog and I appreciate your feedback! I have had both the critical feedback implying I lost my…

The Zero Leaks movement continues to gain momentum with a feature article in Geosynthetics Magazine, which I had the honor of co-authoring with Abigail Gilson-Beck. I had no idea the…

I was privileged to be a panelist for the discussion “Getting What You Pay for from Design through Construction,” which was organized by fellow panelist Anthony Eith, Vice President Civil…

Late winter has certainly provided a lot of heat from debate being stirred in the geosynthetics industry here in the United States. First, there was the resonating “ka-boom” felt when Dr….

Anyone familiar with Marvin the Martian will remember one of his most famous quotes as he tries to blow-up planet earth: “Where’s the kaboom?” There was supposed to be an…

During his February 8, 2017 GSI webinar, Dr. Robert Koerner states “I will make the irrefutable case that geomembranes of any type cannot be backfilled with waves even so small…