I have had several interesting conversations lately regarding accountability in project design, construction, and installations. These conversations have led me to ask you the following question: “Have you set the…
Okay over and over at the Geosynthetics 2015 conference I kept hearing the same statement: “I thought that was fake.” Many people who were present for my technical paper on…
Just put the ball three feet in front of you and you win. How hard could this be? Since my last post, we have seen Christmas and New Year’s Day…
I have to tell you that I am a fan of the bonded geocomposite products, especially those that combine geonet and geotextile into one unit. Anybody who has been in…

A warning for those who will listen… Listen my friends and heed my warning, for this dastardly villain can leave you mourning… The Magician A magician, a forger and a…
On a cold Halloween evening many years ago, I lay curled up on filing cabinets staring out a foggy window wondering how these ghouls ever managed to get the best…
While attending the 2014 Geosynthetics Mining Solutions Conference, several interesting points were made on which I would like to continue discussion. Some of these topics aligned with the way I…
Perhaps one of my favorite movies of the early 1990’s was the 1993 Disney version of The Three Musketeers staring Charlie Sheen (Aramis), Kiefer Sutherland (Athos), Oliver Platt (Porthos) and Chris O’Donnell…
How many of you remember a mid-1990’s Honda television commercial in which the shopper had to make the decision on whether to choose a paper bag or a plastic bag…